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Repository Dashboard

Everything inside HACS are public GitHub repositories.

Each repository HACS tracks (downloaded or not) have a dedicated page inside HACS.

What you see on this page depends on what type it is, and what information the author of it provides.

repository_dashboard The above image is an example representation of a integration (Spook 👻 Not your homie) that has not been downloaded by HACS.


The main section of this view renders the README file of the repository.


Above the main content of the page is a row of badges. Tese badges provides some key information about the repository, like the author(s), GitHub stars and open issues1.


At the top-right corner you will find the 3 dots menu ().

This can be used to quickly access the repository at GitHub, and it's issue tracker.

Here you can also force a refresh of the data for the repository.



This will only show for repositories you have not downloaded with HACS.

In the bottom-right corner you will find the "Download" button, you click on this to open the download dialog to confirm that you want to download this repository.

  1. Open issues include both Issues and Pull request